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Help for businesses and Air BnB householders

We have always had to be careful about promising too much. However with a consolidated number of volunteers which is much higher than before Covid, we now believe we are in a position to help local businesses. We now offer the facility to register with us as a business owner to get our update emails in times of bad weather etc, as would any householder registered with us. If we can, we will also help them implement their emergency plan if help is required. We have been working closely with the Cockermouth Chamber of Trade to make sure our information reaches any new business owners so that we can offer them information on how to best prepare their own flood plan. Obviously there may be other times they may need our help e.g. power outages etc. We will always try to do what we can and in the next few weeks we'll be visiting business in the flood zone to advertise this option.

We will also now accept household registrations from those properties that are rented out either short term or long term e.g Air BnB. We can offer the same early warning email service which gives our most realistic outlook on weather events etc. They would always be part of our warn and inform service.

You can register for either of these options at the link below - just scroll down to the bottom of the page and download the registration forms and return them to us by any of the methods specified.


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