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Let's say hello to our new administrator

As many of you will be aware we have been searching for a new administrator to take over from Jo. We have been amazingly lucky to recruit Helen Donohoe who is currently being trained but who will be our go to person from September. She has shared a little bit about herself for you to see. Good luck Helen!!!

Helen says:

moved to Cockermouth in 2006 to take up a teaching position, I've worked in both Primary and Special Needs Schools. I'm now a mum of three school age children so life is busy and fun. I enjoy being outdoors and love paddleboarding and swimming when I get the time.  Before teaching I spent a few years working in the French Alps as a resort representative, organising events and coordinating transfer days. I also a spent a season working in Disneyland Paris. I'm delighted to take on the part-time role of Administrator from Jo where I'll be responsible for the day to day running of CERG and updating the website and Facebook. I'm very approachable so please feel free to share any feedback or ideas. 

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