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Emergency repair to flood defences completed

I have just received this message from our colleagues at the Environment Agency:

  • Emergency flood works in Cockermouth are now complete

  • Works have involved strengthening a 50m section of river side retaining wall.

  • The Environment Agency are now planning for a permanent repair.

"Emergency works on a river side retaining wall in Cockermouth have been completed, strengthening the existing flood defences during winter. The attached photograph was taken shortly before the works were completed.

Following the wet weather on the 28th October 2021 and subsequent high-water levels on the River Cocker, approximately 50m of river side retaining wall fell into the river, leaving the foundations of the existing flood defence walls exposed. This did not increase flood risk to the community but left the defence susceptible to damage in future wet weather events.

Emergency works were carried out by Environment Agency contractors and involved the use of a crane to place stone bags in the river in front of the flood wall. This helps to prevent erosion and undermining of the wall during future high flows, ahead of any permanent works in future. A temporary flood defence has also been installed in the old police station yard.

Our thoughts remain with those who may still be affected following the period of wet weather on the 28th October last year which gave us significant rainfall in a short period of time. After the flood water subsided, we inspected all of our assets and flood defences and quickly put plans in place to repair any damages. We are delighted to see that the initial works in Cockermouth have now been completed. This was a significant repair which has allowed us to strengthen the town’s flood defences while we explore more permanent solutions.

With winter upon us, we would also like to take the opportunity to highlight how vital it is that everyone knows how flooding can affect them and how to keep loved ones, property and possession safe. Go to the website or search 'know my flood risk' to sign up for Environment Agency flood warnings, receive information on the risk in your area and what to do in a flood.

To keep up to date with Environment Agency’s work in the North West follow us on our Twitter account @EnvAgencyNW

• There are a number of things you can do to prepare for flooding to keep yourself and your family safe. Find out if your home is at risk, sign up for flood warnings and be ready to take action. Visit or call Floodline on 0345 988 1188.

• You can download our free, simple flood plan at:

• Communities should remain vigilant. Prepare in advance. Check your flood risk, know what to do if flooding is expected, and be ready to respond. Check your flood risk and keep up to date with the latest situation at, call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 or follow @EnvAgencyNW on Twitter for the latest flood updates. Have a bag ready with vital items like insurance documents and medications in case you need to leave your home.

• Be ready to act if flooding is possible. Stay tuned to local media and listen to advice and directions given by the emergency services. Move vital, valuable, irreplaceable items upstairs or to safety. Turn off gas, water and electricity.

• Survive. Call 999 if you are in immediate danger. Listen to the emergency services and evacuate if asked to do so.

• More than 1.4 million people are signed up for free flood warnings, giving them vital time to save themselves and their possessions from the devastating effects of flooding. This service is free and you can sign up at"

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