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Warning Regarding Flood Doors

– from Sue Cashmore, Cockermouth Flood Action Group

If you remember when the government gave £5000 grants to all those flooded and that people were advised to buy flood protection products with a BSi Kitemark. One of the companies that sold extensively in Cumbria ‘Water Gate Flood Solutions’, obtained a kitemark with 2 of its doors but only if a’ sash jammer’ was fitted. (In non-technical terms, a jammer is a sort of knob placed on the inside of the door to tighten things more to provide a better seal). Now this only works from the inside of the door, so when the door is locked from the outside (when people are not in the property) is doesn’t work, rendering it pretty useless. ( why BSi agreed to award a kitemark for a door that only works on one side beggars belief!) However, it doesn’t stop there. The company sold the door as a kitemarked door but with no jammer and didn’t tell people of that important fact. The company has now gone bust and at least 500 properties in the county have one fitted and have no idea that come the next flood, the doors won’t work. Please see the statement which is on the BSi website! This is serious stuff! Please let everyone know on your patch, just in case they one of the unlucky purchasers of a Watergate door!!…/flood-protection-and-waterproof…/Watergate Flood Solutions – Misuse of BSI Kitemark

BSI has been notified that two flood doorsets manufactured by Watergate Flood Solutions have been sold and installed to customers, both claiming to have the Kitemark. An integral key component of the doorsets – the sash jammer (required to ensure efficient protection against water ingress) – was not installed and therefore these doorsets are not what was approved by BSI.

Property owners who have installed either a Watergate Inward Opening UPVC Single Doorset or a Watergate Inward Opening Composite Single Doorset need to be aware that these products are not what was certified by BSI and therefore may be susceptible to leakage in the event of a flood. BSI has withdrawn the Kitemark certificate relating to these two pieces of equipment (reference: KM 643203).

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