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About CERG
Purpose: To assist residents and businesses in the Cockermouth area to plan, prepare and recover from an emergency, by working in partnership with local voluntary and statutory to plan for and respond to an emergency situation and by the use of volunteers and other resources to provide assistance during and after an emergency.
Cockermouth Emergency Response Group was created in response to the frequent flooding of the town.
The group was created by Churches Together, Rotary and Cockermouth Flood Action Group.
It is supported by the town, borough and county councils as well as Cockermouth Women’s Institute.
We also aim to ensure that the community is better prepared for flooding.
The response following a flood is already coordinated and well supported but the hours before a flood are fraught and chaotic for residents busy trying to save as many possessions as possible.

We never know just how many volunteers will be able to respond to our requests for help.
Our first response is to warn households and to seek out those people registered with us who are in particular need of help e.g. the elderly or infirm.
After that, we will help other householders if possible. This could be tasks such as helping with flood defences or moving furniture. We could help with the packing of boxes with books, kitchen items etc followed by evacuation to a safe place.
The group would prioritise the vulnerable in our community who have registered with us and those in ground floor flats and bungalows.
Assistance would also be offered to the evacuation centres.
The group could also be called on in other community emergencies. To do this the group is looking for volunteers who could respond in an emergency.
We would like to create a database of volunteers, if you would like to become a part of Cockermouth Emergency Response Group please contact us on or
Working with and supported through resources from the following organisations