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Extra help with your utilities

Good afternoon - useful info coming your way!!!!

If there was a power cut would you need extra help for any reason? If Electricity North West is your electricity network provider you can register for extra help from them. Remember: It may not always be the company on the top of your bill who actually runs the network that provides your home with the electricity. You can check if ENWL is y our energy network provider here:

Okay done that? Now might you need help if there is no power for a while e.g. a bad winter storm like Storm Arwen. How would you heat up your baby's bottles? Do you have medical equipment that needs power to operate e.g. home oxygen. You can register for extra help including advance warning of power switch offs etc here:

Now if we were to be without water for a while for any reason - would that also cause you a problem. You can also register for help from United Utilities here\:

Don't be shy - get all the help you can and it's always better to be prepared than trying to sort out something in an emergency!

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